35 Strategies For Successful Conversations (That Will Keep Customers Engaged)
When you're on the sales floor and really wanting to make the best out of your time at the club, having effective sales conversations that are both profitable and not entirely exhausting is so important.
This cheat sheet will give you 35 things to consider and practice during the conversation phase of your sales process. From knowing how to determine what each of your customers value, to knowing how to approach different questions and topics, you'll be fully prepared to handle all of these conversations easily and without that endless anxiety and uncertainty about whether your customer will spend money on you.
The conversation phase is the meat of the sales process, where you will be building a rapport for your customers to appreciate and consequently say "yes" to your closing.
Build your conversation skills while also reducing anxiety and objections before they even have a chance to happen!
This cheat sheet is for you if you're sick of not knowing what to say, don't know how to control your sales process, don't know how to find out what your customers want, are anxious about coming up with questions or knowing how to answer personal questions, or if you are concerned you are spending too much time and energy on the wrong sales targets.
You'll get 6 pages of in-depth explanations about what I do during sales convos, why the things you're doing now may not be working, and even phrasing on how to get the maximum results and responses you are looking for.
If you ever wanted to become a sales genius, even in other industries, you need this cheat sheet!
Click the "Buy This" button below to take control of the conversations you're having in the club, and make so much more money for the rest of your dancing career!